The Keto Diet and Alcohol: Which is the Best and Worst Drink?


The ketogenic, or keto, diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that can help you lose weight while keeping muscle mass.

Carbohydrates are the body's primary energy source. The liver breaks down fat reserves in the body into molecules called ketones when a person consumes less carbohydrate-containing foods.


The body enters a condition of ketosis when these ketones are used for energy, resulting in weight reduction.


Carbs are present in most alcoholic beverages, albeit some include significantly more than others. Choosing alcoholic drinks with less carbs can help a person stick to the keto diet's daily carb restrictions.


This article examines a few keto-friendly alcoholic beverages. We'll also look at which drinks to avoid because they're heavy in sugar and carbs.


Is it possible to drink on a ketogenic diet?


The majority of keto diet regimens propose consuming 20–50 grammes (g) of carbs per day. This daily allotment must be adhered to for meals and beverages.


There is no one-size-fits-all approach to the keto diet. Because of the carb content of alcohol, some people may advise avoiding it entirely.


However, not every alcohol includes the same quantity of carbohydrates. Beer and sugary drinks have the largest concentration, while spirits have none.


Some people may choose to consume an alcoholic beverage if it is within their daily allowance, while others may choose to abstain entirely.


Another thing to keep in mind is that the body may prefer to use alcohol for energy rather than ketones from body fat. This could potentially reduce the diet's effectiveness.


Alcohol should be avoided by people who are on a keto diet to address a medical condition like diabetes or epilepsy.


Alcoholic beverages that are keto-friendly


The sections below provide some low-carb alcoholic beverage options that are keto-friendly.


On a keto diet, you can consume a variety of low-carb alcohol options. Pure distilled alcohol is the finest keto option in general because it includes no carbohydrates.


Dry wines and champagnes/sparkling wines are also excellent options, albeit most of them contain carbohydrates.


Here's a breakdown of each type of keto alcohol.


Alcohol that has been distilled


There are no carbohydrates in a shot of these unflavored hard liquors:







Rum and brandy can be tough to handle, especially if you've had a few drinks. While the majority of selections are carb-free, some rums and brandies are flavoured or distilled with sweeteners/spices and can contain anywhere from 0.5 to 3 grammes of carbs per drink (or per shot).


These hard liquors can be enjoyed on their own or mixed with the keto cocktail mixers described below.


Champagne and wine


There are a variety of keto-friendly wines and champagnes to choose from. The goal is to select dry wines, which contain very little residual sugar after fermentation and are hence low in carbohydrates. Dry wines are designated "brut" for sparkling wine or champagne.


Cabernet sauvignon, pinot noir, and merlot are examples of dry red wines. Carbohydrate content is usually between 3 and 4 grammes[*].


Pinot blanc, pinot grigio, and sauvignon blanc are examples of dry white wines. They typically include 2.5 to 3.5 grammes of carbohydrates per glass[*].


A flute of brut champagne has less than 3 grammes of carbohydrates, and a glass of brut sparkling wine has less than 2 grammes. The driest sparkling wine/champagne is "Brut Nature," which contains only one gramme of carbohydrates per five-ounce glass.


A light beer


Although most beers are high in carbohydrates, there are several low-carb choices. A pale beer, for example, contains an average of 5.81 g of carbohydrates per can.


To keep inside carb limitations for the day, choose a light beer.


Omission Ultimate Light has 5 grammes of carbohydrates per bottle, making it a gluten-free choice.



Spirits like gin, whiskey, rum, and vodka have no carbs in them.




Because mixers often contain carbs, those on a keto diet may want to opt for a low sugar or diet choice.

There are no carbs in club soda or sparkling water. Artificial sweetener-containing mixers are another low-carb alternative.


Avoid These Drinks on keto



Many alcoholic beverages are high in carbohydrates, with some varieties containing more than 30 grammes per serving.


Cocktails and mixed drinks, for example, are frequently made with high-carb, sugary ingredients such as juice, soda, sweeteners, or syrups.


Regular beer, on the other hand, is made from starch and can include up to 12 grammes of carbs in a single can.




A 12-ounce can of beer has 12.8 grammes of carbs, which is a reliable source of carbohydrates.


For the keto diet, a light beer is a preferable choice.




A sweet drink could include 46.67 grammes of carbohydrates or more. This is nearly the full daily carb allowance on the keto diet.


Sugar is commonly found in flavored alcohols like peach schnapps.


Coolers for wine


A lot of sugar can be found in the fruit juice in a wine cooler. A glass of wine cooler has an average carb content of 13.6 grammes.


Diet cranberry juice is a fruit drink with less sugar, which means fewer carbohydrates.




Sangria is often made with wine, fruit juice, and a mixer, all of which are high in carbohydrates. A glass of sangria can have up to 18.9 grammes of carbohydrates in it.


What Keto Cocktails Am I Allowed To Drink?


When picking mixers for a mixed drink, stay away from sugary juices, sodas, and store-bought cocktail mixes.


If you like tonic water, for example, make sure to get diet tonic because regular tonic water contains up to 25 grammes of sugar per glass. You may also consume your keto-friendly alcoholic beverage, as long as it is simple and carb-free. If you're looking for a cocktail, here are a few keto alcohol drink suggestions to get you started:





This low-carb cocktail, which is normally made with whiskey, orange bitters, and a sugar cube, may be made even lower carb by using your favorite low-carb sweetener.




A normal mojito comprises only 5 grammes of net carbohydrates and is created with rum, lime juice, mint, sugar, and soda water. Using your preferred keto sweetener will help you cut carbohydrates.


Best and worst drink options


On  Keto Diet, the Best Beer Options Are:





The Worst Keto Beer Options:





On a Keto Diet, the Best Wine Options Are:





On Keto, the Worst Wine Options:




The Best Keto Liquor Options:





The Worst Keto Liquor Options:



Final Thoughts


There are many of low-carb alcoholic beverages to select from, even if you're on a keto diet. You can even get your personalized keto diet plan from the keto experts online.


Wine, light beer, and pure alcohols like whiskey, rum, and gin have few or no carbohydrates per serving and match well with low-carb mixers like seltzer, diet soda, or sugar-free tonic water.


However, regardless of your diet, it's best to limit your alcohol intake to avoid negative health consequences.


Women should limit themselves to one drink per day, while males should limit themselves to two or less.


Frequently asked questions


Q1) What kind of alcoholic beverages are allowed on a keto diet?



Q2) What alcohol does not cause ketosis to be broken?



Q3 • What is the least sugary and calorie-dense alcoholic beverage?



Q5)• Can I lose weight while drinking alcohol?


Moderation is key, as is understanding how to select beverages that will have the least negative impact on your weight-loss goals.




Alcohol can help you stay in ketosis longer, but it will slow down your weight reduction. Alcohol has both positive and negative effects on your liver, which is responsible for producing ketones.


Q7) • Is alcohol bad for a keto diet?


Q8) Is Vodka a Keto Drink?


Because it's adaptable and carb-free, vodka is an excellent choice for anyone following a low-carb or ketogenic diet. However, there's a reason why health-conscious partygoers love vodka soda!